NOTICE OF SALE OF ABANDONED PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that under
and pursuant to Section 1987 and 1988 of the Civil Code. SECTION 6066 of
the Government code the following property listed below believed to be
abandoned by Tiffany Wilson and does 1 to 20 whose last address was 1601 Centinela Ave Unit 204. Inglewood 90302 will be sold at public auction at 1601 Centinela Ave Unit 204. Inglewood 90302 on January 28, 2025 at 10:00, o’clock AM. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE AUCTIONED: Office FF&E, reception desk, office supplies, electronic components, consumer electronics, artwork, decorations, furniture, toys, refrigeration, appliances, clothing, documents and all other items in and on said property. Auctioneer: Arcadia Auction and Appraisal LLC 8221 Wilcox Avenue Cudahy, Ca. 90201 (951) 968-4301 photographs & more Information available at CA Bond CS4638730